Gone Trick Treating

 Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kids went Trick or Treating for Halloween dressed up as Toy Story's Jesse. Their costumes were handmade by....me! (took me 3am to finish lol).

It was a fun experience for them, going about the stores being given candies and treats. No one complained about the walking...

See, they smile ear to ear....afterwards we went to our favorite Baskin Robbins for some real treat.



maiylah November 5, 2011 at 1:05 AM  

awwww...so cute! you made the costumes yourself! wow....you're good! :)

thank you so much for sharing your Baskin Robins treats as well as your little ladies' trick or treating experience over at Food Friday!
happy weekend!

Mika November 5, 2011 at 3:57 PM  

Haha that's so cute and cool!

How I wish I am still a kid so I can dress up and go trick or treating :)

Hope they give out ice cream though for trick or treat cause I love Baskin Robbins :P

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