
 Friday, May 18, 2012

うわー、それは私の最後の更新からどれくらいでしたか?翻訳サービス 関連の仕事を  仕事で本当に忙しかった...私はかつて私は、再び勉強するのが大好きとで動作すると述べた。それは私の昼食は、いくつかの時間の最後の週だ! ;)


まだで働く 翻訳会社 私は何をしたいものです。

英語翻訳サービス 周りの流行になっていると私もその一部となるのが大好きだ。

Gone Trick Treating

 Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kids went Trick or Treating for Halloween dressed up as Toy Story's Jesse. Their costumes were handmade by....me! (took me 3am to finish lol).

It was a fun experience for them, going about the stores being given candies and treats. No one complained about the walking...

See, they smile ear to ear....afterwards we went to our favorite Baskin Robbins for some real treat.



 Friday, October 21, 2011

Eating sweets with my sweeties at Denny's. 

Strawberry Cheesecake, Vanilla and Strawberry Ice cream and Vanilla Chocolate are our choices.

Fresh Peaches

 Wednesday, October 12, 2011

From Ojisan's farm. The perks of having farms - you get fruits, vegetables fresh. 

Barbecue at Jiichan's

 Thursday, September 1, 2011

What better way to spend summer than have barbecue at the yard. We had beef, corn, chicken, shrimps, pork, mushroom and paprika (perhaps some more I overlooked). 

Papa was the willing "griller" - he boiled some of the meat before putting them on fire. Our little ones were patiently waiting for what they can munch. I sat with them as I have no idea when should the meat be turned. I do cook at home but that's a lot different.

And finally, Ittadakimasu! Looks like we would be well on our way to earning a culinary arts degree  from the prestigious Culinary Schools in Ohio, with a great meal creation as this. What do you say?



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